Polish in Turkey

Hans-Werner Hatting hwhatting at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 5 09:46:30 UTC 2000

On Thu, 16 Nov 2000 10:09:52 +0000 Larry Trask wrote:

>There are a few other
>odds and ends.  When I was living in Turkey, I was told that there
>was a single Polish-speaking village somewhere in the middle of
>the country.  I never got to see it, but anyway I doubt that Polish
>was already spoken in Anatolia before the Ottoman conquest.

I remember being told about this village when I was hearing a Summer Course
in Polish history in Krakow 1989. The teacher (I forgot his name) told us
that these people are descendants of Poles taken as prisoners of war in the
17th century, when Poland was constantly at war with the Ottoman empire.
Best regards,
Hans-Werner Hatting

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