re Reference on Numbers of Saxons

Tristan Jones Tristan at MAIL.SCM-RPG.COM.AU
Sat Dec 16 11:38:37 UTC 2000

Well this is going to be a radical view on Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain.
However considering the minimal Celtic or Romance influence in Old English.
Even less than Aboriginal influence in Australian English, Aboriginals
currently make up 2% of Australian population , however Australia has a huge
amount of Aboriginal place names and more aboriginal loan words than Celtic
or Romance loan words in Old English. Given the attuides of early
Anglo-Saxon and Celtic relations, they lived in seperate settlements, rather
than together in same settlements and bulding of Offa's dyke between English
and Welsh. Suggests a big cultural and some psycial differences between the
Romano-British and Anglo-Saxons, I am suggesting that the aAnglo-Saxons
pretty much looked like people in Eastern part of England today and
Romano-British looked like the Welsh and British in Western part of England
today and a huge replacement of Romano-British people with Anglo-Saxon
immigrants from Germany. It is also shown in genetic record that the Eastern
part of England is more related genetically to Danes than their neighbours
in western bit of Britain.

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