minimal pairs

Brent J. Ermlick brent at
Tue Dec 19 12:47:22 UTC 2000

On Fri, Dec 15, 2000 at 10:10:19AM +0000, Eduard Selleslagh wrote:
> Note that 'Anthony', 'author' etc. are a class apart: the English spelling
> does not correspond to Latin spelling, which has 't': Antonius, auctor...I
> guess the th-spelling reflects an older English spelling rule for aspirated
> t (like in German, cf. Goethe, Luther,...).

I believe that the "th" in Goethe and Luther (which I've also seen
as Ludher) is an orthographic survival of the dental fricatives
in German.

Brent J. Ermlick		Veritas liberabit uos
brent at

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