Bulletin of the Asia Institute 11 (fwd)

Shilpi Misty Bhadra evenstar at mail.utexas.edu
Wed Dec 27 19:11:16 UTC 2000

>Forwarded on behalf of the undersigned, to whom responses and
>inquiries should be directed.

>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>              (published November, 2000)

>To order volume 11, send $65 +$8 shipping in U.S. funds (either a check
>drawn on a U.S. bank or as an International Money Order) to:

>Bulletin of the Asia Institute
>3287 Bradway Blvd.
>Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301

>or contact bai34 at aol.com

>			Contents

>A. Nikitin, V. Shkoda, and M. Alram
>In Memoriam Evgeny Vladislavovich Zeymal"

>Nicholas Sims-Williams
>"Four Bactrian Economic Documents"

>P. Leriche, Sh. Pidaev, K. Abdullaev et P. Gentelle
>"Bilan de la campagne 1997 de la MAFOuz de Bactriane"		

>Albert de Jong
>"A New Syrian Mithraic Tauroctony"

>A. S. Melikian-Chirvani
>"The Iranian Wine Leg from Prehistory to Mongol Times"

>Prods Oktor Skj>rv?
>"The Joy of the Cup: A Pre-Sasanian Middle Persian Inscription on  a
>Silver Bowl"

>David Frendo
>"The Religious Factor in Byzantine-Iranian Relations"

>A. S. Melikian-Chirvani
>"Ancient Iranian Jade" 	

>Prods Oktor Skj>rv?
>"Eastern Iranian Epic Traditions III: Zarathustra and Diomedes--an
>Indo-European Epic Warrior Type"

>Richard Salomon
>"Another Reliquary Inscription of the Apraca Princess Uttara>-"

>Guitty Azarpay
>"The Sasanian Complex at Bandian: Palace or Dynastic Shrine"

>Sanjyot Mehendale
>"New US-Uzbek Collaborative Archaeological Project in Uzbekistan"

>ALLCHIN ET AL., EDS. Gandharan Art in Context: East-West Exchanges at the
>Crossroads of Asia (Carol Altman Bromberg)

>Bemman et Al. Die Feldsbildstation Oshibat (Richard  Salomon)

>FRYE. The Heritage Of Central Asia: From Antiquity to the Turkish
>Expansion (B. K. Waghmar)

>GRARD FUSSMAN ET AL. Die Felsbildstation Shatial (Jason Neelis)

>RIKA GYSELEN, ED. Sceaux d'Orient et leur emploi (A. D. H. Bivar)

>GUENE, TISSOT, AND CALLIERI. Bibliographie analytique des ouvrages parus
>sur l'art du Gandhara entre 1950 et 1993  (Carol Altman Bromberg)

>HAERINCK AND OVERLAET.  Luristan Excavation Documents. Vol. 2, Chamahzi
>Mumah An Iron Age III Graveyard (Oscar White Muscarella)

>KOTWAL AND KREYENBROEK, EDS. AND TRANS. The Herbedestan and Nerangestan.
>Vol. 2,  Nerangestan, Fragard 1 (Prods Oktor Skj>rv?)

>SALOMON ET AL. Ancient Buddhist Scrolls from Gandhara: he British Library
>Kharosthi Fragments (Carol Altman Bromberg)

>ZIMANSKY.  Ancient Ararat: A Handbook of Urartian Studies (Oscar White

>ZWALF. A Catalogue of the Gandhara Sculpture in the British Museum (Carol
>Altman Bromberg)


>To order volume 11, send $65 +$8 shipping in U.S. funds (either a check
>drawn on a U.S. bank or as an International Money Order) to:

>Bulletin of the Asia Institute
>3287 Bradway Blvd.
>Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301

>or contact bai34 at aol.com

Shilpi Misty Bhadra
University of Texas at Austin
Ancient History, Classics, and Humanities (focus: Indo-European Studies)
senior undergraduate
evenstar at mail.utexas.edu
512-320-0229 (ph)
512-476-3367 (fax)

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