
Kastytis Beitas kastytis.beitas at gf.vu.lt
Mon Dec 4 21:52:07 UTC 2000

At 00:12 30.12.2000 -0500, Steve Long wrote:

>In a message dated 12/28/2000 11:18:17 PM, acnasvers at hotmail.com writes:

><< <Zagr-> probably results from *diagr- (cf. Gk. <agra> 'hunting', <agreus>
>'hunter', <agremios> 'taken in hunting', etc.). The meaning 'Jagdhund' as
>opposed to simply 'Hund' agrees with this analysis. >>

>If the word can be read as coming from Gk <agra>, then it can just as easily
>be seen as coming from the more basic form, Gk <agros>, field, farm, tilled
>land, pasture, country (vs. city). (Cf., <agraulos>, of field dweller,
>shepherds, oxen; <agreios>, of the field or country-side).

>This would suggest that the word could refer as much to a sheep or herding
>dog or some other kind of dog that lives or works on a farm, as opposed to
>perhaps a hunting or a fighting dog.

As I remember there is an old Russian verb polevat' that means 'to hunt in
fields' (from Russian word pole 'field')...

Kastytis Beitas
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Vilnius University
Ciurlionio 21
Vilnius 2009, Lithuania
Fax:     (370 2)235409
E-Mail:  kastytis.beitas at gf.vu.lt

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