Dating the final IE unity

Richard M. Alderson III alderson at
Tue Feb 1 03:07:00 UTC 2000

In a reply to Steve Long, S. M. Stirling wrote:

>>You are saying that here is Celtic was unchanging for 700 years.

>-- no, I said saying that the Gallic form of around 100 CE is identical to
>that of the Ogham inscriptions 200-300 years later.

Actually, what was originally written on 25 Jan 2000 was:

>Observers as late as the 4th century CE said that the Gallic-Celtic of Lyon,
>in the Rhone valley, was mutually comprehensible with that of the Galatians of
>			  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>Anatolia (who arrived from the Balkans about 270 BCE).

All that is required of the underlined phrase is that speakers from the two
regions be able to do what we are told (in another current thread on this list)
speakers of Spanish and Portuguese can do.  In other words, the languages need
not be *unchanging* for any length of time.

								Rich Alderson

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