the Wheel and Dating PIE

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal mcv at
Wed Feb 2 23:52:14 UTC 2000

"Eduard Selleslagh" <edsel at> wrote:

>They aren't: Actually, basically three different, and very ordinary, words
>that probably exist (I mean words with these meanings) in any language. As I
>said before: all these words seem to have had different original meanings
>(*kwekwlo/'round, circle', *rotho/'revolve',

The primary meaning of *ret(h)-/*rot(h)- is apparently "to run".

>BTW, I wonder if the Du. word for whirlpool, '(draai)kolk' has any
>relationship with '*kwe(kw)los'.

Surely not.

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
mcv at

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