"is the same as"

Robert Orr colkitto at sprint.ca
Fri Feb 11 05:16:09 UTC 2000

[ Moderator's note:
  The following is quoted from a posting by Stanley Friesen, made on Sat,
  05 Feb 2000 22:05:24 -0800.
  --rma ]

>In this context I was really only pointing out that language "suffers" from
>one of the main issues I see in all biological studies: fuzzy, imprecise
>boundaries.  There is no precise way to distinguish one language from another.

What is the problem with so-called "fuzzy" thinking?    Is this a
manifestation of "physics envy"?

Robert Orr

>May the peace of God be with you.         sarima at ix.netcom.com

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