*hwergh-, *hwerg- or *hwerk-?

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal mcv at wxs.nl
Tue Feb 22 21:06:52 UTC 2000

X99Lynx at aol.com wrote:

>In a message dated 2/12/00 10:12:09 PM, mcv at wxs.nl replied:

><<Only for the root, strictly speaking.  The words are formed quite
>differently (Hitt. *HwrK-is, Toch *HwerK-ontos).  It does seem to
>indicate that this (*hwergh-, *hwerg- or *hwerk-?) was the
>preferred word for "to turn, to roll" at quite an early stage.>>
>("mcv at wxs.nl earlier wrote:  <<...the Hittite word for "wheel" is <hurkis>.
>No relation to the *kwel-words.>>)

>Let me ask, does evidence of (*hwergh-, *hwerg- or *hwerk-?) appear in any
>other IE languages?

I'm not sure.  There's a whole family of roots with the general
meaning "to turn, to twist" strating with *wer- (*wert-, *werg-,
etc.).  As far as I can see in Pokorny, this family consistently
fails to show prosthetic a- in Greek (PIE *h2wer- > Grk aer-),
which makes me doubt the Hittite word is related.

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
mcv at wxs.nl

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