k' > ts > c-hachek order of changes?

Stefan Georg georg at rullet.leidenuniv.nl
Wed Feb 23 08:33:51 UTC 2000

>Is there evidence in the Indo-Iranian group for
>this other order of changes?
>The only thing I can think to add at the moment is a vague memory
>that in the NW part of India there are reflexes /ts,dz/
>where we otherwise expect (from Sanskrit) the
>grooved <c-hachek, j-hachek>.

You are doubtlessly having the Nuristani languages of SE Afghanistan in
mind, which are sometimes viewed as the third Aryan group besides Indic and

>The basic letters of Tibetan also have these values /ts,dz/,
>and a diacritic is used to represent the Sanskritic <c-hachek, j-hachek>.

No, it's the other way round in Tibetan.


Dr. Stefan Georg
Heerstrasse 7
D-53111 Bonn
Georg at home.ivm.de


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