the Wheel and Dating PIE

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal mcv at
Tue Feb 29 00:11:25 UTC 2000

Stanley Friesen <sarima at> wrote:

>At 07:55 AM 2/23/00 +0100, Miguel Carrasquer Vidal wrote:

>>Stanley Friesen <sarima at> wrote:

>>>[Though I actually question tracing B-S back to Corded Ware].


>I am coming from the position of being unconvinced of the reality of
>Germano-Balto-Slavic.  In fact I cannot consistently place Balto-Slavic in
>the IE tree.  Depending on how I analyze it, it either comes out linked to
>Germanic (as you suggest), or linked to the Greek and Indo-Iranian groups.

Actually, I'm not suggesting a GBS genetic node.  I think
Germanic "broke away" quite early on (while "Balto-Slavic" was
still more or less undifferentiated eastern PIE).  Afterwards,
Germanic and Balto-Slavic came into close areal contact (a "GBS
Sprachbund", possibly in the Corded Ware period).  In fact, the
opposite of what Ringe seems to be suggesting (GBS, later areal
Gmc-Ital/Celt contacts).

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
mcv at

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