Fwd: Re: Pre-Basque Phonology

Patrick C. Ryan proto-language at email.msn.com
Fri Jan 14 06:41:46 UTC 2000

Dear Vartan and IEists:

 ----- Original Message -----
From: "Vartan and Nairy Matiossian" <varny at cvtci.com.ar>
Sent: Saturday, December 18, 1999 2:49 PM

[ moderator snip ]

> Dear Pat,
> I'm not aware of any counterclaim to Illyich-Svidich. It doesn't mean
> there isn't any, just I'm too far from University-Libraries to be aware
> of daily developments. (For instance, I know personally Vahan Sargisian,
> I have been contributing to his Armeno-Basque studies journal, "Araxes",
> in Yerevan, I have several of his other articles, but I was pleasingly
> surprised to hear about his latest article in Fontes Linguae Vasconum,
> thanks to Ed Selleslagh). In connection to the Arm. etymology of "gini"
> (wine), Guevork Djahukian --besides noting VIS-- has advanced the view
> that it could be stemmed from IE *uin ("to twist, to twirl"), bearing in
> mind the regularity of the Arm. root.

Yes. But for the fuller exposition of the premise, see Ralf-Stefan's nice
summary of the counterevidence.


PATRICK C. RYAN | PROTO-LANGUAGE at email.msn.com (501) 227-9947 * 9115 W. 34th
St. Little Rock, AR 72204-4441 USA WEBPAGES: PROTO-LANGUAGE:
http://www.geocities.com/proto-language/ and PROTO-RELIGION:
http://www.geocities.com/proto-language/proto-religion/indexR.html "Veit ek,
at ek hekk, vindga meipi, nftr allar nmu, geiri undapr . . . a ~eim meipi er
mangi veit hvers hann af rstum renn." (Havamal 138)

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