re PIE words for sexual organs
Gordon Selway
gordonselway at
Sat Jan 22 23:54:44 UTC 2000
George Hinge wrote (but I am not sure yet who introduced the idea):
>I don't know if the Gaelic <palla> can be derived from OI 'ball'.
I'm not aware of this. I cannot lay hands on my Irish dictionaries, but
there is no <palla> in Dwelly, which is to hand. Has Dennis Jung anything
to add, if he's currently on this list?
This is not surprising. One of the features of the Celtic languages is the
P-IE p* > zero, after all.
There is 'peilear' (ball, bullet - not as far as I know 'testicle', which
may be 'clach' (Sc.)/'cloch'(Ir.), ie 'stone'), and 'peile' is football (ie
soccer) in Irish Gaelic. I'm not sure of its earlier spelling (though
'palla' cannot lead to 'peile' - that would require a change in the quality
of both consonants from broad to slender - as I understand things). But it
is not an item inherited by internal tradition from PIE, whatever its
source is.
[As an aside, both Brythonic and Gadelic seem to have borrowed wholesale
from Latin in the later imperial-early mediaeval period.]
Gordon Selway
<gordonselway at>
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