Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
mcv at
Sun Jan 23 03:16:19 UTC 2000
Sean Crist <kurisuto at> wrote:
>On Tue, 18 Jan 2000, Miguel Carrasquer Vidal wrote:
[ moderator snip ]
>> But Armenian eys^ (< *ek^wos) means "donkey".
>A transparent case of semantic drift. Are you arguing that this poses
>some problem for the reconstruction of *ek'wos as "horse"?
I'm pretty sure that when the pre-Armenians walked (or rode) into
Anatolia, their *ekw^os (however it sounded at the time) meant
"horse" (and shifted to "donkey" in the apparently donkey-rich
and horse-poor environment of Eastern Anatolia). But if Renfrew
is right, and PIE did come from Anatolia, an *ek^wos (or however
it sounded at *that* time) meaning "donkey" would have trivially
drifted to "horse" in the horse-rich (donkey-poor) environment of
Northern and Eastern Europe.
The argument works both ways, except that it's apparently
intellectually unattractive to have a theory where one thing goes
from A to B and then back again from B to A. That's why such
theories are rare (not because such things do not happen). As a
matter of fact, I personally believe that Renfrew is wrong, but
that some of the *ancestors* of the Proto-Indo-Europeans *did*
come from Anatolia, became PIE-ans somewhere in the Tisza-Danube
area, and then some of them (the Anatolians, later the Armenians)
went *back* to Anatolia. Renfrew (because you can't have
A->B->A) prefers to have the Anatolians (and I believe the
Armenians as well) never to leave Anatolia, which poses some
severe linguistical problems such as the lack of affinity between
Anatolian and Armenian or Greek.
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
mcv at
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