SV: Indo-Hittite

Sean Crist kurisuto at
Mon Jan 24 15:22:52 UTC 2000

I've lost track of the attribution, but someone on the list objected to
saying that Ringe, Warnow, and Taylor had found confirmation of the
Indo-Hittite hypothesis in their computational cladistic work.  The
objection was that the team used Luvian rather than Hittite to represent

This isn't correct; in every version of the work I've seen, the team used
Hittite to represent Anatolian.  It wouldn't matter, anyway; despite the
terminology, the Indo-Hittite hypothesis holds that the earliest branching
in IE was between _Anatolian_ and what became the other IE languages.
Sorry if the traditional terminology "Indo-Hittite" is misleading; it's
one of those less-than-ideal terms which we're stuck with.

  \/ __ __    _\_     --Sean Crist  (kurisuto at
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