the Wheel and Dating PIE

Hans Holm Hans_Holm at
Fri Jan 28 12:32:00 UTC 2000

SG>>>But: the use for wheel seems to be specific IE.

SG>>Not really.  Gamqrelidze and Ivanov quote Sumerian gigir, Hebrew
SG>>gilga:l, galgal, Georgian borbal, gorgal, "wheel" or "chariot".

SG>And there's Sino-Tibetan *golo.

After all these additions I try to summarize by two interpretations:
1. With the meaning 'wheel,chariot' it can be assumed as a cultural
2. With the meaning 'round' (often redublicated) it seems to be a

Mit freundlichen Grüszen
  Hans J Holm
  - - et monere et moneri - -

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