
Eduard Selleslagh edsel at
Fri Jan 28 18:58:28 UTC 2000

----- Original Message -----
From: "Hans Holm" <Hans_Holm at>
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2000 7:51 AM

> LT>In fact, precisely this odd last view is the one commonly presented in
> LT>those IE family trees that we see everywhere.  But not many linguists
> LT>are happy with such a massive sudden-disintegration scenario.

> .. In the forthcoming 'Journal of quantitative linguistics' I will present
> a much more differentiated model of the disintegration of IE.
> And Hittite is not the first, but the last language to depart - from
> Tokharian. The first to split were Germanic and Greek, as already stated
> by Prof D.G. Kendall in Ross JRSS.B12/1950:49.

[Ed Selleslagh]

I think most of us would be grateful if you could present a summary (with a
tree?) on this list. In tempore opportuno, of course.

Personally, I'm glad to hear this about the split of Germanic and Greek, as I
(not being a specialist) have always had a nagging suspicion that these two
have something in common (apart from being IE) that sets them apart,
notwithstanding important differences in various areas (Q-P-lgs., verbal


>   Hans J Holm
>   - - et monere et moneri - -


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