the Wheel and Dating PIE

Stanley Friesen sarima at
Sat Jan 29 03:01:50 UTC 2000

At 02:55 AM 1/22/00 -0500, X99Lynx at wrote:
>In a message dated 1/22/00 12:12:34 AM, JoatSimeon at wrote:

><<If it was borrowed into PIE while PIE is still united, that dates the era of
>PIE unity.  And if it was borrowed later, it wouldn't show the characteristic
>sound-shifts of the daughter languages... and it does. Therefore if it was
>borrowed, it was borrowed into unified PIE.>>

>Excuse me, but what are the dates on those specific sound changes you are
>talking about?  And what makes you think they occurred immediately after PIE
>was disunited?

At least *some* of the individual sound changes must have occurred by the
break up of the unity, by *definition*.  As long as there were no
differences between the speech in the different areas, PIE was still *by*
*definition* united.

And the simple observed facts are that languages cannot spread beyond the
range of daily contact for very long without diverging, at least within two
or three centuries.  For a pre-modern language to have been spread over a
large part of Europe without local divergence for *millennia* is just not
possible.  (And millennia of non-divergence is what would be required for
the PIE speakers to have spread during the neolithic revolution and still
have the observed unity of Bronze age vocabulary)

>This has been brought up before a long time ago.  The identifiable sound
>changes in the *kwelos group are prehistoric.  The amount of time that lapsed
>between the end of PIE unity and the time those sound changes took effect is
>undetermined, except that they all occured before attested records.

True, for any given *specific* word, this objection is meaningful.  But the
vocabulary placing PIE in the late Neolithic or early Bronze Age consists
of more than just one word, indeed more than just a few words.

>   There
>is a huge gap of time potentially there.  And if this particular word for
>wheel entered after PIE dispersed but before those sound changes, then we'd
>should have exactly the same outcome.

So, bring in axle, and metal, and horse, and so on.  They cannot *all* have
fortuitously involved only sounds that changed relatively late!

>(And BTW how drastic are the sound changes do we see in one of the other
>wheel words:
> Latin, rota; Lith, ratas; OHG, rod; Ir, roth - cf. Skt, ratha?)

It is not the drasticness, it is the regularity and *opacity* of the
changes.  For instance., modern Lithuanian has round vowels, so mapping
borrowed words with 'o' to 'a' would be odd, to say the least.  And
changing t > d is totally unexpected in early German borrowings (and vice
versa).   Thus the differences seen above would be unusual, at least, in
borrowed words, but completely normal in shared heritage.

May the peace of God be with you.         sarima at

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