
Rick Mc Callister rmccalli at sunmuw1.MUW.Edu
Sat Jan 29 09:13:59 UTC 2000

Looking at Watkins's chart of correspondences
IE	Sanskrit	Avestan		Old Persian	OCS	Lithuanian
k	s'		s		th		s	s
kw	k/c		k/c		k		k/c^/c	k
g	j		z/g		g/d		z	z
gw	g/j		g/j		g/j		g/z^/z	g
gh	h		g/z		g/d		z	z
gwh	gh/h		g/j		g/j		g/z^/z	g

	Why does Old Persian look as far removed [or more] from Avestan as
any of the others? What's the time difference? Is the difference between
Avestan and Old Persian as great as the chart would indicate?

Rick Mc Callister
Mississippi University for Women
Columbus MS 39701

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