IE "Urheimat" and evidence from Uralic linguistics

JoatSimeon at JoatSimeon at
Wed Mar 1 03:30:47 UTC 2000

>proto-language at writes:

>A word for 'bear' might also be derived from related
>roots meaning 'carry' or 'cut out off', and might capture of one two
>essential characteristics of 'bears': standing up while advancing,

-- bears don't stand up when advancing; they stand up when making threat
displays, or trying to see what's going on.

When advancing -- aka 'charging' -- they run towards you, very very quickly,
with a very large mouth full of teeth wide open, making distressing sounds.

To people living in the woods, equipped with spears, "destructive one" is a
pretty good name for an animal characterized by large size and bad temper.

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