"name" - was: evidence for "Urheimat"

Stefan Georg Georg at home.ivm.de
Wed Mar 1 22:10:33 UTC 2000

>SG>you probably mean /Chukchi/
>.. thank you so much. But I hate the //ch//. Just a personal tick.

So do I. When will we be able to read and write hachek'ed c-s and s-s on
e-mail ?

>SG>welcome to the beautiful land of Ruhlenistan
>.. excuse me for not to own any work of Ruhlen;-((

Together with my excuses for my  rather cutting remark (though I don't
promise that it won't happen again ;-) I'd like to say that this is
something you can be congratulated for, rather than something you'd have to
apologise for ;-)

Dr. Stefan Georg
Heerstraße 7
D-53111 Bonn
Tel./Fax +49-228-691332

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