Domesticating the Horse

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal mcv at
Thu Mar 2 18:56:18 UTC 2000

"Patrick C. Ryan" <proto-language at> wrote:

>>> By the way, Pokorny lists *u.lkwi: for 'female wolf'.  Where do you get
>>> *ulkwiha?

>> For <ha> read <h2> (or <A>).

>Well, yes, we could *assume* that it is a case of utilizing both formants in
>combination, but how do we know?

I merely assumed a transcription error (for h-sub_a or something
like that).

>Could it not equally well be *u.lkwiH1- or *u.lkwiH3-?

With i: < iH and u: < uH one never knows.  Or does one?  Let me
refer to Jens E. Rasmussen's article "IH, UH and RH in
Indo-European".  (Abstract: Greek, Tocharian and Armenian show
ih1/uh1 > i:/u:, ih2/uh2 > ya:, wa:, ih3/uh3 > yo:, wo:, with
exceptions).  Greek -ia(:) therefore points to *-ih2.

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
mcv at

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