Domesticating the Horse

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal mcv at
Fri Mar 3 07:06:59 UTC 2000

JoatSimeon at wrote:

>>proto-language at writes:

>>>By the way, Pokorny lists *u.lkwi: for 'female wolf'.  Where do you get

>-- Carl Darling Buck's _A Dictionary of Selected Synonyms in the Principal
>Indo-European Languages_.

No you don't.  CDB doesn't do laryngeals.
I can't think of any source which uses <h{a}> for H2.

>Old High German "mariha" is a reflex.

OHG <mariha>, OS <meriha>, OE <mi:ere>, ON <merr>, Dutch <merrie>
are thought to reflect PGmc. *marhi: < *m'arkih2, metathesized to
*mari:h and augmented with feminine -a < *-eh2.

I probably prefer an alternative explanation, with two /h/'s in
Germanic (PGmc. *marhih-) from a variant form *markik- [I know
there's a problem with Verner here], likewise later augmented
with feminine -a.  Cf. Martinet and the Latin feminine suffix -ix
(*-ik(s)) for expected *-ih2(s).

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
mcv at

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