UPenn tree; was: Indo-Hittite Hypothesis

Richard M. Alderson III alderson at netcom.com
Wed Mar 8 01:59:45 UTC 2000

On Sat, 04 Mar 2000, Hans Holm (Hans_Holm at h2.maus.de) wrote:

[NB:  "MAI" = Rich Alderson, the present author, presumably somehow extracted
 from my full name (which includes a numeral, like it or not).]

MAI>The UPenn work is supposed to provide exactly the information we have
MAI>lacked till now, that is, where to put in branches.  Having generated
MAI>their branching structure, they then picked a root position such that
MAI>Anatolian branches away from the entire rest of the family, all of
MAI>which can be viewed as going back to a single proto-language.

HH> .. again: "Where is the exact information" on the UPenn tree???

I admit, I inferred the purpose of the UPenn work from the descriptions of the
work, and the sketchily published results of the work, rather than learning it
from any grand descriptive document.

Personally, I'm often happy just to continue using the "massive 10-way split"

								Rich Alderson

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