Dating the final IE unity, in particular the word for "horse"

Stanley Friesen sarima at
Thu Mar 9 14:14:19 UTC 2000

At 02:41 PM 3/7/00 +0530, Gábor SándiuZGk= wrote:
>peninsula. So: what did *ek^uos refer to? Either a mythical beast, or the
>donkey (were there actually donkeys around?), or maybe the sheep or the cow?

Or the now-extinct Quagga.  (I think this unlikely, as there seems to be a
linguistic tendency to keep the striped equines distinct from the plain
one, but it is possible).

>substratum. Such a substratum might well have supplied Latin with the many
>words with "unetymological" a: quattuor, canis, manere etc.

In addition to this, there is also the uncertainty whether all of the
supposed Italic languages really are such.  If some are not, then they
suggest a non-Italic IE stratum in Italy.

May the peace of God be with you.         sarima at

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