PIE e/o Ablaut

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal mcv at wxs.nl
Sun Mar 19 00:34:43 UTC 2000

"Patrick C. Ryan" <proto-language at email.msn.com> wrote:

>The stress-accented syllable with /a'/  (which might have induced to become
>/a:'/), then became /a(:)*/, with the asterisk indicating a high-tonal
>accent, when tonal accent supplanted stress-accent.

>Sanskrit reflects this stage.

Aren't you forgetting the law of the palatals?

Sanskrit, too, went through a stage with /e/.


>So are you saying there was a time when PIE had two phonemic vowels: /a/ and

>And, if so, what are some roots that had phonemic /a:/ at this stage?

There are a number of roots containing *o that show no trace of
e/o apophony (nor evidence for *h3).  Unfortunately, my active
command of PIE vocabulary is very poor...  First one that comes
to mind is *pot(i)- (perhaps < **pa:t(n^)-) and its derivative
(?) *nepot- (**na-pa:t-).

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
mcv at wxs.nl

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