Questioning of the elite dominance theory

JoatSimeon at JoatSimeon at
Sat Nov 18 03:04:57 UTC 2000

In a message dated 11/17/00 3:22:26 PM Mountain Standard Time,
larryt at writes:

<< > To what extent did replacement spread through Turkish controlled lands
 > beyond Anatolia, depending on what you mean by Anatolia? >>

-- quite extensively.  Eg., the population of Bulgaria was 40% Turkish at the
time of the Bulgarian War of Independence in the mid 1870's.

Crete had a 1/3 Turkish minority in 1898; there were other substantial
Turkish minorities -- in Thessaly and Thrace, for instance -- and as far
northwest as Serbia before the beginning of the various Balkan wars of
independence starting in roughly the 1820's.

Kemal Attaturk was born in Salonika, which is now a fairly homogenous Greek

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