
Diogo Almeida dalazal at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 28 05:14:36 UTC 2000

"Vera Ferreira" <v.ferreira at gmx.de>
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 14:48:48 -0000


>I'm doing my doctorate at the University of Munich, in Germany, on the
>Portuguese language and its dialects.
>Now I'm looking for information about the second offial language in
>Portugal, namely Mirandjs (its origins, development, and actual state).
>any of you know where I can find such information?
>(Maybe you can send me some by email!! - I would be very pleased.)

Actually, Mirandjs is not a Portuguese or Galician dialect, but a different
romance language, a survival of Asturo-Leonese (I hope that is the name in
English :) ).

I found a website about Mirandjs (in Portuguese). It's on
http://www.eb2-miranda-douro.rcts.pt/mirandes/mirandes.html . There is a
bibliography section. maybe it can help you.

Best regards,
Diogo Alvares de Azevedo e Almeida

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