Final Theta in Spanish

Anton Sherwood bronto at
Fri Nov 24 01:00:54 UTC 2000

"David L. White" wrote, of Spanish words in -z:

> Why are these words so rare, evidently?  Should not all Latin
> 3rd declension nouns in /k/ show up with final theta in Spanish,
> if "lux" and "pax" do?  I cannot at the moment think of any more,
> but there must have been more than 2 ...

(find Spanish wordlist,
(grep "z$")

...478 words including: atroz barniz (<veronix) caliz cerviz codorniz
cruz faz feliz feroz haz (<fasces) hez (<fex) hoz (<falx) nuez perdiz
pez (<piscis) ramz (<radix) sauz (<salix?) veloz vez (<vic-) voz

plus *triz, abstracts in -ez, adjectives in -az
Anton Sherwood  --  br0nt0 at  --

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