Anthony as Greek?
Brian M. Scott
BMScott at
Thu Jan 4 20:18:47 UTC 2001
On Friday, 29 December, 2000, at 11:58:02, Steve Long wrote:
SL> Let me apologize, but it is escaping me why "Anthony" cannot come
SL> from Gk <anthos> or <antho:n>. [...] Is there a clear reason why
SL> Ant[h]onius cannot be Greek?
Roman (as distinct from medieval) <Antonius> and its derivatives
rather consistently appear with <t>, not the <th> that one would
expect in a borrowing of Gk <anth->. And it seems to be borrowed into
Greek with tau, not theta: according to Morlet (Les noms de personne
sur le territoire de l'ancienne Gaule du VIe au XIIe siècle, I:20a),
H. Dessau (Inscriptiones latinae selectae) cites two Greek
transcriptions of <Antoninus>, both with <'Anto:->, and Russian
<Anton(ij)> is apparently from Greek <Anto:nios>.
Brian M. Scott
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