la leche (was: Re: txakur/dzhagaru/cachorro..)..

Renato Piva r.piva at
Thu Jan 25 22:45:32 UTC 2001

>> Leo Connolly wrote:

> But my Latin dictionary (an old Cassell's from the 1930s) lists only _lac_,
> not _lacte_.  Still, it is conceivable that _lacte_ arose in Vulgar Latin,
> and it would be a perfectly good ancestor of _leche_ et al.

In Petron's Satyricon (1st AD), Trimalchio, the rich libertus from Asia Minor
who, being a foreigner, speaks a vulgar variety of Latin (with many 'errors' as
compared to classical Latin), says 'bonum lactem' (I can't tell where exactly,
as I have no text at hand, but I'm sure it's there).

R. Piva

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