FYI (pre-IE reconstructions)
Leo A. Connolly
connolly at
Fri Jun 1 16:01:38 UTC 2001
Mate KapoviÊ wrote:
> Just a brief note. In the MCV's text on pre-Indo-European there is a claim
> that Hittite ablative -az comes from PIE *-od-s. Considering the Luwian form
> of ablative -ati it can safely be assumed that the protoform of these two is
> *-oti.
> *o > a in both lgs, *t is palatalized to z in Hittite in front of *-i which
> is later omitted. So the *-ods > -az etymology is not correct.
Problem: doesn't PIE 3sg. -ti yield Hittite -zi i.e. [-tsi]? Why should
-i have dropped in the ablative but not in the verb ending? Does final
-i *ever* drop in Hittite? (Just asking on this last matter.)
Leo Connolly
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