Fallow Deer/A Closer Look

Eduard Selleslagh edsel at glo.be
Fri Jun 1 10:58:50 UTC 2001

----- Original Message -----
From: <X99Lynx at aol.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 9:47 AM

> Damate:r - Dor., Arc., Thess. and Boeot. form of goddess Demeter

[Ed Selleslagh]
Don't exaggerate: isn't that 'god(dess)-mother'? (Cf. Jupiter: 'god-father')

> AND finally, starting with Homer -

> dama:r - wife, spouse

> NOTE that most of the early references above are to a variety of mostly
> domestic animals, but in the <damal-> form, specifically to cattle.

Wife = domesticated animal??????  I know those were backward times, but

> domo, domui, domitum (domtavi) - to tame, to break in

> COMPARE <domesticus> - of or belonging to the house (domus)

> Cf., Grk, domos - in Homer, often enclosure or abode for animals, e.g.
> sheepfold (Iliad 12:301); "Sanskrit root, dam-, da:m - ya:mi, to be tame."

> Regards,
> Steve Long

Is there really a relationship? What do the PIE etymologists say?


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