Rate of Change

Stanley Friesen sarima at friesen.net
Thu Jun 14 04:42:36 UTC 2001

At 12:18 AM 6/8/01 -0400, Brian M. Scott wrote:

>The basic point is probably sound enough, but you'd have a hard time
>finding a medieval historian who would agree that 'during the Middle
>Ages society hardly changed over 100 or more years'.  Pick any 100-
>year period you like during the MA, and you'll find significant social

Quite so, even based on my amateur studies of post-Norman England I cannot
name any 100 year period without any social change.  Sometimes change was
even fast by modern standards.  The changes after the end of Stephen's
reign were extremely rapid, as Henry didn't tolerate much guff.

May the peace of God be with you.         sarima at friesen.net

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