Urheimat animals

Carol F. Justus cjustus at mail.utexas.edu
Thu May 10 13:05:33 UTC 2001

>On 3 May 2001, Alberto Lombardo wrote:
Would you be referring to Richard Diebold's monograph 5 in JIES

http://www.utexas.edu/cola/depts/lrc/jies/monographs/mono5.html (short

entitled: The Evolution of Indo-European Nomenclature for Salmonid Fish:
                                   The Case of `Huchen' (Hucho Spp.) ?

Carol Justus

[ moderator snip ]

>There has of course been a great deal of work since Thieme, much informed by
>more recent developments in paleobotany and paleoclimatology.  Besides the
>work on IE tree names (Friedrich, _Proto-Indo-European Trees_), there was a
>paper I read in pre-print on the salmonid fishes of Europe and Asia which
>concluded that the salmon of Thieme's work is not the only candidate for the
>referent of the PIE etymon *lok'so-.  (I apologize for being sketchy on the
>details, but it was 25 years ago, and being passed from hand to hand among a
>group of graduate students.  If anyone can identify it, that would be very

>								Rich Alderson

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