Pelasgian/was Etruscans

Eduard Selleslagh edsel at
Mon May 14 10:50:30 UTC 2001

----- Original Message -----
From: "Douglas G Kilday" <acnasvers at>
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 7:40 AM

[Ed Selleslagh]

Thank you for this interesting contribution.

> The simple word occurs only in Gen. 6:14, but the derivative <gophriyth>
> 'sulfur, brimstone' (presumably named after similarity to burning
> tree-resin) is found 7 times in the OT. The usage of the simple word in the
> compound suggests that <go:pher> actually means 'resin', perhaps a specific
> (fragrant?) type.


Note that when yellow sulphur is heated it turns into a black thick and sticky
stuff, very similar to pitch. Yellow powder is the stable form at room
temperature, but the pitch form is extremely slow in reverting to the more
stable form when cooled down.

What about the idea that <go:pher> (or its Pelasgian or whatever parent)
originally meant "glue", "sticky stuff" or even "goo" ?  After all, already in
the Neolithic, resin vel sim. was used to stick flint points to arrows etc...

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