Linguistic Society of Brazil
Giovanni Secco
gsecco at
Sat Dec 12 20:40:42 UTC 1998
Please, disseminate among colleagues.
Thank you,
Prof. Leonor Scliar-Cabral
Program also found in
14th Linguistic Institute
2nd National Congress
30 years of ABRALIN
The organizers of the 14th Linguistic Institute and the 2nd National
Congress, under the auspices of the Linguistic Society of Brazil
and sponsored by the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) take
pleasure in inviting the members of AB RALIN and other colleagues and
graduate students working in Linguistics, Applied Linguistics and
fields to participate in these two events.
CONGRESS: February 25-27, 1999
INSTITUTE: February 22 - March 5, 1999
Campus Trindade
88040-900 Florianopolis, SC
FAX: 55 48 331 9988 Phone:331 9293 e-mail
abralin at
Course 1
Dynamic approach of the phonic structure (1 credit)
Prof. Eleonora ALBANO, Ph.D.
March 1-5
Session: 1
Pre-requisite: First week of Prof. Almeida Barbosa course (Febr.22 -26)
Course 2
Pronouns, anaphors and epithets: A reassessment of the binding Theory (1
Prof. Joseph AOUN, Ph. D.
University of Southern California
March 1-5
Session: 3
Course 3
Acoustic phonetics (2 credit)
Prof. Dr. Plinio Almeida BARBOSA
Feb. 22 - March 5
Session: 1
Course 4
African languages and linguistics today (1 credit)
Prof. Dr. Emilio BONVINI
Feb. 22- 26
Session: 2
Course 5
Reference and discourse analysis (1 credit)
Prof. Dr. Bernard BOSREDON
Sorbonne Nouvelle n Paris III
Feb. 22 - 26
Session: 1
Course 6
Comparative sociolinguistics (2 credits)
Prof. Gregory R. GUY, Ph. D.
York University / Canada
Feb. 22 - March 5
Session: 3
Course 7
Language restructuring: partial versus full creolization (2 credits)
Prof. Dr. John HOLM
University of Coimbra
Feb. 22 - March 5
Session: 2
Course 8
Language acquisition: Principle and parameters model (1 credit)
Prof. Dr. Mary KATO
Feb. 22 - 26
Session: 2
Course 9
The recognition of spoken words (1 credit)
Prof. Dr. Regine KOLINSKY
March 01 - 05
Session: 1
Course 10
Cue-based acquisition and language change (1 credit)
Prof. David LIGHTFOOT, Ph. D.
University of Maryland
March 1 - 5
Session: 2
Course 11
"Animacy" in the reshaping of Romance categories (1 credit)
Prof. Maria MANOLIU, Ph.D.
University of California, Davis
March 1 - 5
Session: 3
Course 12
Phonology: New prospective (1 credit)
Prof. Maria Helena MIRA MATEUS, Ph. D.
University of Lisbon
March 1 - 5
Session: 2
Course 13
Cognitive psycholinguistics approach to reading and writing
(1 credit)
Prof. Dr. Jose MORAIS
Free University of Brussels
Feb. 22 - 26
Session: 1
Course 14
Language and ethics (2 credits)
Prof. Dr. Kanavillil RAJAGOPALAN
Feb. 22 - March 5
Session: 1
Course 15
Indian languages (1 credit)
Prof. Dr. Aryon D. RODRIGUES
University of Brasilia
Feb. 22 - 26
Session: 3
Course 16
A discourse-based approach to the analysis of languages in contact (2
Prof. Gillian SANKOFF, PH. D.
University of Pennsylvania
Febr. 22 - 26
Session: 3
Course 17
Multilingual spoken & written information management (1 credit)
Eng. Dr. Christel SORIN
France Telecom CNET
Febr. 22 - 26
Session: 3
(Fr. and/or Eng.)
Course 18
>>From surface to the variational linguistic space (1 credit)
Prof. Dr. Harald THUN
University of Kiel/ Germany
March 1 - 5
Session: 1
For registration, each credit corresponds to one module.
Before Dec. 20,98
Category (each R$ corresponds to approximately
1 module 2 modules 3 modules
Members and
students R$ 80,00 R$ 140,00 R$ 180,00
professionals R$ 100,00 R$ 180,00 R$ 240,00
Category Deadline for registration:
Feb. 21,99
1 module 2 modules 3 modules
Members and
students R$ 100,00 R$ 180,00 R$ 240,00
Other professionals R$ 120,00 R$ 220,00 R$ 300,00
Refunds: Before January 15, 99: 50%. After Jan.15, no refund will be
Enrollment limit for each course: 40.
Week Feb. 22 - 26 March 1 - 5
8:30 - 11:30 Course 3 Course 1
Course 5 Course 3
Course 13 Course 9
Course 14 Course 14
14:30 - 17:30 Course 4 Course 7
Course 7 Course 10
Course 8 Course 12
Course 16
18:00 - 21:00 Course 6 Course 2
Course 15 Course 6
Course 17 Course 11
Registration Form
Linguistic Institute - ABRALIN
Campus Universitario
88 040 900 Florianopolis - SC/Brasil
e-mail: abralin at
fax: 55 48 331 99 88 - phone: 55 48 331 92 93/ 331 95 81
home page:
(Please, fill out in block print).
Zip Code: ___________City:______________ Country: _________
Phone/FAX: __________________ e-mail: _____________________
Institution: ______________________________________________
Position: _________________________________
Category: (......) Member/student (......) Others
(......) 1 module (......) 2 modules (......) 3 modules
(......) 4 modules (......) 5 modules (......) 6 modules
Indicate the number(s) of intended course(s)
(......) (......) (......) (......) (......) (......)
Please, we ask foreigners to consult with the secretary about the best
means of paying their fees.
* Students must send a proof of their university enrollment.
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