Call for Papers -- Email version bounced back
Mark Langager
mark_langager at
Mon Apr 26 23:12:53 UTC 1999
Dear Mr. Otomo,
I hope you are doing well and conference preparations are
proceeding smoothly.
Regarding the conference, I regret to say that my email
submission to the JSLS conference did not go through. Has
anyone else from the US tried submitting a paper to the
JSLS conference and had the email submission bounce back? I
found a message from my email account today that said:
"Your message cannot be delivered to the following
siwatate at
Illegal host/domain name found"
(I will forward you that message in a separate email
message for your reference.)
I would truly like to present at the conference if
possible, and I apologize for the mismatch of email systems
that has prevented me from meeting the deadline. If I
should submit directly to you, I would be prepared to do
that as an alternative.
Thank you kindly, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours truly,
Mark Langager
On Fri, 09 Apr 1999 20:09:49 +0900 Kiyoshi Otomo
<otomo at> wrote:
> Japanese Society of Language Science (tentative name)
> First Conference (August 7-8, 1999, Tokyo, Japan)
> Seconod Announcement and Call for Papers
> The dates of the conference are August 7 (Sat.) and August 8 (Sun.). The
> conference will be held in Sophia University in Yotsuya, Tokyo.
> Brian MacWhinney (Carnegie Mellon University) will be our invited speaker.
> The contents of the symposium will beannounced in our third announcement
> (conference program).
> We will only accept research which has not been previously presented
> elsewhere, or which has not been scheduled to be presented elsewhere.
> We are currently accepting submissions which are broadly related to the
> field of language sciences. The research areas covered include:
> bilingualism, pragmatics, discourse analysis, psycholinguistics, first and
> second language acquisition, socioliguistics, syntax, semantics, phonology,
> morphology, lexicon, phonetics, neurolinguistics, Japanese language
> education, Japanese language research.
> Each presentation should be a total of thirty minutes (20 minutes for the
> presentation, 10 minutes for discussion). The official languages of the
> conference are Japanese and English.
> The deadline for submissions for presentations has been extended to April 24
> (Sat.), 1999. Submissions should be made in the following format, and
> mailed to Kiyoshi Otomo of the organizing committee:
> Necessary documents
> 1. A completed copy of FORM #1 "Application form for submissions" on A4 or
> letter size paper
> 2. 3 copies of your presentation title and abstract (maximum 500 words) on
> A4 or letter size paper. Keep the abstract anonymous. Up to two
> tables/figures will be accepted (please include them with your abstract on
> one sheet of A4 or letter size paper).
> 3. 2 mailing labels with your name and address (unnecessary for those making
> submissions via email)
> Please send all submissions to :
> Kiyoshi Otomo
> Research Institute for the Education of Exceptional Children
> Tokyo Gakugei University
> 4-1-1 Nukui-Kitamachi
> Koganei-shi, Tokyo 184-0015
> We will also accept submissions by email. Please mail all email submissions
> to:
> siwatate at
> Please send your email submission as an attachment in an MS-WORD, Ichitaro,
> or TEX format.
> All abstracts will be peer-reviewed anonymously. Notification of acceptance
> or rejection will be sent out by the end of May. Those who have been
> selected for presentation will be requested to submit a camera-ready 4-page
> (A4 size) version of their presentation by the end of June for the
> conference Handbook on a floppy disc. Finally, proceedings of the
> conference will be published.
> Registration fees:
> Preregistration by June 30:
> Full participants 3,000 yen
> Students 2,000 yen
> Regular registration (7/1/99-on-site registration):
> Full participants 3,500 yen
> Students 2,500 yen
> Payment from overseas:
> Full participants US$25 or Can$40
> Students US$17 or Can$27
> Conference Handbook: 2,000 yen
> Payment from overseas: US$17 or Can$27
> Reception: 1,500 yen
> (Overseas participants will be asked to pay on-site)
> This conference is open to all interested persons. The reception will be
> held on the evening of August 7th.
> The conference handbook will consist of summaries and relevant information
> necessary for following each presentation, and therefore, we strongly
> recommend that each participant purchase a copy, as additional handouts for
> the individual presentations will not prepared (unless the individual
> presenter decides to provide additional handouts at the last minute).
> (All participants, including those making presentations, must complete the
> following registration procedure) All conference participants must submit
> FORM #2 :Registration Form by June 30, 1999 via email to Shizuo Iwatate
> (email: siwatate at
> In the case that you do not have access to email, you may fax or mail your
> participation form to:
> Kiyoshi Otomo
> Research Institute for the Education of Exceptional Children
> Tokyo Gakugei University
> 4-1-1 Nukui-Kitamachi
> Koganei-shi, Tokyo 184-0015 Japan
> Fax: 042-329-7675 (From overseas: +81-42-329-7675)
> For domestic participants, registration fees, fees for the conference
> handbook and the reception must be deposited in the following account:
> Bank/branch: Asahi Bank/Kodaira branch
> Type of account: Futsu
> Account number: 3778638
> Name of account: Iwatate Shizuo
> On-site registration will also be possible; however, copies of the
> conference handbook will be sold on a first-come, first-serve basis.
> Overseas participants must either pay on-site or by mailing funds to Yuriko
> Oshima-Takane. Note that the pre-registration fee is US$ 25.00 (students
> US$17.00) or Canadian $ 40.00 (students Canadian $ 27.00) if registered
> early, by June 30, 1999. Participants who register later than July 1, 1999
> must pay the regular registration fee of 3,500 yen (students 2,500 yen)
> on-site.
> Overseas members can send their registration fees by check or money order to:
> JCHAT ' 99
> Yuriko Oshima-Takane
> Dept. of Psychology
> McGill University
> 1205 Dr. Penfield Ave.
> Montreal, PQ H3A 1B1
> Canada
> A check or money order must be made payable to Yuriko Oshima-Takane in trust
> of JCHAT. Only US or Canadian dollar will be accepted. The following
> information as well as a copy of the registration form must be attached.
> Name:
> Affiliation:
> Mailing address(home/work):
> TEL:
> FAX:
> Email:
> Method of payment: ( ) check ( ) money order
> Total amount enclosed: ( ) US dollars ( ) Canadian dollars
> The third announcement (conference program) will be mailed to all
> participants who have deposited their registration fees by mid-July. The
> conference handbook will also be mailed by mid-July to all
> participants who have deposited the conference handbook fee. However, the
> third announcement (conference program) and conference handbook will not be
> mailed to overseas participants (they will be given to you at registration
> on-site). Those domestic participants who prefer to receive these items at
> the conference, instead of in the mail, are requested to indicate their
> preference on the Registration Form.
> The conference program will be announced through the JCHAT mailing list and
> on the JCHAT homepage. The presentation summaries will also be made
> available on the JCHAT homepage, which is
> Please direct all questions to Shizuo Iwatate at :
> siwatate at
> --------------------------------------------------
> Japanese title (if applicable):
> English title:
> Name:
> Affiliation:
> Mailing address (home or work):
> Phone number:
> Email address:
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Note: (1) please submit one registration form for each author
> (2) please write "JCHAT99 Conference Application" in the subject area
> (3) please do not send your form using the return key (while viewing the
> first announcement)
> I would like to participate in the First Conference of the Japanese Society
> of Language Science (tentative name):
> Name:
> Affiliation:
> Mailing address(home/work):
> TEL:
> FAX:
> Email:
> Conference handbook:
> Yes, I would like to reserve one ( )
> No, I do not need one ( )
> On-site pick-up of conference handbook (for domestic participants; please
> note that all overseas participants must pick their handbooks up at the
> conference):
> Yes, I would like to receive my handbook at the conference ( )
> No, I would like to have my handbook mailed to me ( )
> Reception:
> Yes, I would like to participate ( )
> No, I will not participate ( )
> Please indicate your method of payment:
> Send check or money order to Yuriko Oshima-Takane ( )
> Pay on-site at the conference ( )
> Deposit funds in the bank account of Iwatate Shizuo
> (for domestic participants only) ( )
> *********************************************
> Shizuo Iwatate, Japan Women's University, Japan
> email: siwatate at
Mark Langager
Email: Mark_Langager at
Harvard University Graduate School of Education
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