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Marilyn Vihman m.vihman at
Thu Apr 29 17:06:19 UTC 1999

>	I was talking to a parent today who was raising her child
>bilingually, between German & English.  She was commenting that the child
>(now just over 2) was creating blends (that is, combining words from the
>two languages).  So, the child's word for blanket was bekke, from blanket +
>dekke, and the child's word for brush was brushke or brushte (I'm not sure
>I heard the stop consonant correctly, and not knowing German I wasn't sure
>what follow-up questions to ask).   I hadn't heard of children combining
>words in this manner before, and was wondering whether others had heard of
I give a number of examples of such bilingual mergers in Vihman (1981),
JChild Language, 8, 239-264.

-marilyn v.

  Marilyn M. Vihman
  Professor, Developmental Psychology  |      /\
  School of Psychology                 |     /  \/\
  University of Wales, Bangor,         |  /\/    \ \
  Gwynedd LL57 2DG, U.K.               | /  ======\=\
  tel. 44 (0)1248 383 775
  FAX             382 599              |  B A N G O R


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