Postdoctoral teaching fellowship at Washington University
Adele A. Abrahamsen
adele at
Fri Apr 30 19:20:47 UTC 1999
Washington University in St. Louis invites applications for a
postdoctoral teaching fellowship in linguistics and language to
begin on July 1, 1999. The appointment is initially for one year
with a possible extension for an additional year. Linguistics
courses at Washington University contribute to the Language,
Cognition, and Culture track of the undergraduate major in
Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology; they also serve undergraduate
and masters' degree students in English education and TESOL.
Hence, broad interests and ability to relate to a variety
of students are advantageous.
We are seeking a doctoral-level linguist (ABD considered)
who has additional background and interests that will
contribute to the new and rapidly-growing second major in
Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology. Secondary interests might
be centered in language acquisition, second language acquisition,
cognitive science, cognitive neuroscience, or sociocultural
approaches to language and cognition; excellence in teaching
and research are more important than the specific primary or
secondary areas. Demonstration of successful teaching
experience is required.
The successful candidate will teach two lower-division courses,
Language in Culture and Society and Introduction to Linguistics,
and two upper division/MA courses. Of these, Contemporary
Linguistics (an introduction emphasizing language structure)
is scheduled for Fall 1999, and the Spring 2000 course may be
one of the following: Language Acquisition, Second Language
Acquisition, Historical and Comparative Linguistics, Principles
of Linguistics (an introduction emphasizing linguistic theory),
or another course depending on needs of the program and the
candidate's areas of interest and expertise. If the position
is renewed, any changes in course offerings would be limited
to the upper division.
For more information on the graduate and undergraduate programs
in PNP, see our website at
Please send curriculum vitae, one or two published or unpublished
papers, a statement of teaching experience and credentials, teaching
evaluations, and have three letters of recommendation forwarded to:
Linguistics Search Committee
Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology Program
Campus Box 1073
Washington University in St. Louis
One Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130-4899
Review of candidates will begin immediately (4/29/99), but the
position will remain open until filled.
Washington University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity
employer. Women and minority candidates are especially encouraged
to apply.
* * * * * * * * * * * * Contact information * * * * * * * * * * * *
Adele Abrahamsen, Assoc Prof of Psychology & PNP Undergraduate Director
abrahamsen at Fax 314-935-7349 Secretary 314-935-6670
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