new Spanish corpus, new Spanish data on SLI and Williams Syndrome
Brian MacWhinney
macw at
Wed Jun 9 16:44:53 UTC 1999
Dear Info-CHILDES,
I am happy to announce the inclusion in CHILDES of three corpora from
Eliseo Diez-Itza of the University of Oviedo. The first is a set of 20
transcripts from normally-developing children. These are in the
and spanish.sit files on the server. The second and third are studies of
children with SLI and Williams Syndrome. This are in /clinical/diez_itza.sit
on the server. Many thanks to Eliseo. Here are the readme files.
--Brian MacWhinney
**** Normally-developing children ******
These data were contributed by Eliseo Diez-Itza. They are a small part of a
much larger corpus being prepared at the University of Oviedo by Dr.
Diez-Itza and his students, with assistance from Verónica Martínez, Raúl
Cantora, and Manuela Miranda. This database has provided the basis for
several cross-sectional descriptive studies on the acqusition of Spanish,
with special focus on phonological, lexical and narrative issues. The
directory currently contains 20 transcripts of dyadic conversations between
children (10 girls and 10 boys in the age range from 3;0 to 3;11) and
investigators trained in process of recording, transcribing, and analyzing
spontaneous speech samples, using CHAT conventions. The taping sessions were
conducted in the subjects¹ homes. Each one lasted approximately forty-five
minutes. During this spontaneous verbal interaction, the children had to tell
a story. They were also asked to talk about a visit to the doctor, and a
birthday party. GEM header lines were used to mark these particular passages.
The spontaneous speech parts (HES) were also marked.
***** SLI child ******
This directory contains the six transcripts from a short-term longitudinal
study of a SLI child, conducted by Manuela Miranda, Verónica Martínez and
Eliseo Diez-Itza at the University of Oviedo. The child pseudonym is Edgar
and his age was 7.10 at the beginning of the study. Dyadic verbal interaction
between Edgar and Manuela Miranda was videorecorded within monthly intervals
during the speech therapy time in the school. The time duration of the
sessions was approximately of thirty minutes. The activities included play
and storytelling. The focus of the study was the phonological impairment.
Cite: Miranda, Martínez & Diez-Itza (1998).
***** WS child *****
This directory contains two transcripts from a Williams Syndrome child. They
are part of an ongoing research project on the linguistic and educational
aspects of a Williams Syndrome (WS) population in Asturias (Spain) conducted
by Eliseo Diez-Itza, Aránzazu Antón, Joaquín Fernández Toral and María Luisa
García, at the University of Oviedo. Spontaneus verbal interaction between
the child and the investigators was videotaped and transcribed in CHAT
format. The child was recorded in two sessions at home with an interval of 8
months (at ages 9.3 and 10.0). The time duration of the samples is
approximately of 90 and 60 minutes. Cite: Diez-Itza, Antón, Fernández &
García (1988).
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