Privacy - Content of Consent of Subjects
Sabine Prechter
Sabine.Prechter at
Mon Jun 28 10:24:46 UTC 1999
Dear fellow researchers,
I remember a very lively discussion about the question of how to handle
recorded and processed language data in the era of electronic data
handling, processing and storing (also with the participation of both
Alison and Lois Bloom) a couple of months ago, to which I would like to
get back briefly.
We are currently re-designing a joint project in co-operation with a US
university on spoken language processing *in adults* and would like to
hand our subjects a form of consent that covers their need for privacy as
well as our need for useful data handling.
Since German universities deal with the problem of privacy in experimental
settings in a way which is very different from the US system of Ethics
Boards etc, I would be more than grateful to receive your comments and
maybe even pre-formulated Declarations of Consent that you or your
colleagues have been using to ensure a proper legal basis for our
experiments, which would cover the following areas:
* open recording of conversations in explicity experimental settings
* anonymized demographic information according to project content
(self-classification according to first and additional languages, degree
of familiarity with topic domain, age, sex)
* transcription of recordings
* storage of transcriptios and recordings on mechanical as well as
electronic storage devices
* analysis of data and integration of data into a larger corpus
* partial analysis of data in several anonymized sub-projects in both
universities participating
* (possibly:) use of data by researchers involved also after they have
left either of the participating institutions
* anonymized use of data in class
If you can think of any additional points of concern that might be linked
to our experiments, please let me know!
Thanks in advance,
Sabine Prechter
Nao basta abrir a janela Sabine Prechter, Ass. Professor
Para ver os campos e o rio *sabine.prechter at*
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Para ver as arvores e as flores D-35394 Giessen
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