FW: 3/22 FOIA Comments (fwd)
Judith Becker Bryant
jbryant at luna.cas.usf.edu
Thu Mar 25 14:11:27 UTC 1999
Colleagues in the United States will be
interested in the following message.
Judy Bryant
Judith Becker Bryant, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Psychology, BEH 339
University of South Florida
Tampa, FL 33620-8200
(813) 974-0475 fax (813) 974-4617
>From: Alan Kraut <akraut at aps.washington.dc.us>
>To: "Mary Anne Cowden for COGDOP (E-mail)" <mac at MAIL1.ANDREW.CMU.EDU>,
> "Roberta Klatzky (E-mail)" <klatzky at CMU.EDU>
>Subject: 3/22 FOIA Comments
>Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 14:03:54 -0500
>March 22, 1999: FOIA Access to Research Data - Send a Letter
>Dear Colleague:
>I hope you've heard about the proposed changes to OMB Circular A-110
>that would allow Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) access to research
>data. This change would be alarming for researchers, particularly for
>those working with human subjects and confidential information. OMB
>published draft regulations on the changes in the Federal Register (see
>docid=99-2220-filed) and is receiving comments until April 5. APS is
>sending a letter opposing the changes, as is virtually every other
>science group. But we're hearing it is important that OMB receive many
>letters from individual researchers as well as organizations.
>There is a good summary of the issues, along with a link to the Register
>regulations, on the NIH Web page
>http://www.nih.gov/grants/policy/a110implications.htm Further, an April
>APS Observer cover story on this soon will be available on our Web page
>(<http://www.psychologicalscience.org/>) as will the APS letter. I
>encourage you to look at the information, and take a few minutes to send
>comments in a letter or email to OMB. The address and other
>instructions for submitting comments are posted on the Federal Register
>link. And please get the word out to your colleagues. We need to make
>sure researchers are heard loud and clear on this.
>> ***
>> Alan G. Kraut, Executive Director 202-783-2077 V
>> American Psychological Society 202-783-2083 F
>> 1010 Vermont Ave., NW St 1100 akraut at aps.washington.dc.us
>> Washington, DC 20005-4907
>> http://www.psychologicalscience.org
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