Posts in Linguistics at University of Wales, Bangor
Margaret Deuchar
m.deuchar at
Wed May 12 15:46:36 UTC 1999
Applications are invited for posts as described below. The research interests
of applicants can be in any area of linguistics including child language
and psycholinguistics.
Department of Linguistics
Applications are invited for two lectureships in
Linguistics, tenable from 1st September 1999
or as soon as possible thereafter. The people
appointed will be expected to play a key role
in the development of our new BA in English Language.
Applicants should have a PhD and a strong record in
teaching and research relative to their age and
experience. The appointments will be on the Lecturer Scale
A: £16655-21815
Application forms and further particulars can be
obtained from Personnel Services, University of Wales,
Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 2DG, U.K. Tel. (01248) 382926.
Email: pos020 at
Informal enquiries can be made by contacting Professor
Jenny Thomas, Linguistics Department, University of
Wales, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 2DG.
Tel. (44) (01248) 382270. Email: jenny.thomas at
Please quote reference number 99/56 when applying.
Closing date for applications: 14 June 1999
Department of Linguistics
Applications are invited for two lectureships in Linguistics,
tenable from 1st September 1999 or as soon as possible
thereafter. One post may be for a three-year fixed term in
the first instance. The people appointed will be expected
to play a key role in the development of our new BA in
English Language.
Applications are welcome from well qualified individuals
with research interests within any area of Linguistics, but
the people appointed will be required to offer courses in
two or more of the following areas: English grammar,
variation in English, the history of English, language and
the media, stylistics, corpus linguistics, language in
education, English language teaching, psycholinguistics.
Applicants should have completed their PhD (or
equivalent) and have a strong record of research and
publication relative to their age and experience. They
should also have a record of effective teaching at
University level (the person appointed may be required to
follow UWB's highly regarded Certificate in Teaching in
Higher Education, if appropriate).
The appointments will be on the Lecturer Scale A:
Informal enquiries can be made by contacting Professor
Jenny Thomas, Linguistics Department, University of Wales,
Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 2DG. Tel. (01248) 382270. Email:
Jenny.Thomas at
Shortlisted candidates will be invited to Bangor
for interview 20th and 21st July 1999 and will be asked to
give a 20-minute presentation on a topic of their choice
(this should relate to proposed or current research).
Candidates will also be asked to discuss the contributions
they could make to the teaching in the Department.
Please send a completed Application Form, CV and
Teaching Profile to: Personnel Services, University of
Wales, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 2DG. Tel. (01248) 382926.
Email: pos020 at Please include the names and
addresses of 3 referees including , if possible, email
addresses, fax and telephone numbers. Please note that
candidates who are shortlisted will be asked to submit
copies of any publications they have listed as
`forthcoming' or `in press'.
Please quote reference number 99/56 when applying.
The closing date for applications is 14 June 1999.
Visit our Web Pages: http://www/
`Person Profile'
The person appointed will have:
a PhD (or equivalent) in linguistics or a related field;
a strong record of research and publications relative to age and experience;
experience and competence in university teaching,
and the ability to relate well to students new to the field;
a commitment to the pastoral care of students;
competence in administration;
willingness to play a full part in the life of the Department.
Department of Linguistics
About the Department
The Linguistics department is one of the oldest in the UK,
and the only one in Wales. It was established in 1960 and
became part of the School of English and Linguistics in
1989. The Professor of English, Professor Tom Corns, is
currently Head of the School.
The department has an established staff of seven, including
two Professors and three Senior Lecturers. There is one
Graduate Assistant and several part time Tutorial
Assistants. In addition, Professor David Crystal holds the
position of Honorary Professorial Fellow, and Professor
Alan Thomas the position of Research Professor.
The department currently offers BAs in Linguistics and
Linguistics with English Language and an MA in Linguistics.
The latter is part of a recently introduced Ph.D.
Programme. From 2000 we shall be introducing two new degree
schemes, English Language and English Language and
Literature (the latter will be taught jointly with the
Literature Department). The department has some outstanding
Ph.D. students who regularly present papers at national and
international meetings. The department offers a broad range
of undergraduate courses, which seek to accommodate the
interests of a diverse body of students, and offers Ph.D.
supervision in most areas of linguistics.
The department is an important centre for linguistic
research, particularly in the areas of syntax, language
acquisition and pragmatics. In the last UFC Research
Assessment Exercise, it received a rating of 3A. It is
important to us to improve on this rating, and to this end
we aim to keep teaching commitments below 90 hours per year
for all staff who are research active. Members of the
department have organized some seven international
conferences since 1992, which have brought numerous
distinguished linguists to Bangor, and a weekly research
seminar has welcomed speakers from many UK and European
universities as well as the United States. Members of the
department are also involved in interdisciplinary research,
especially with members of the Psychology department, with
whom a Bangor Centre for Psycholinguistics has recently
been established.
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