Symposium 2000 (fwd)
vhouwer at
Wed May 19 12:41:10 UTC 1999
Dear colleagues,
I am posting the message below at the request of Dr. Marion Fredman, Chair
of the Multilingual Affairs Committee of the International Association for
Logopedics and Phoniatrics that is organising the conference advertised
below. Please do not send requests for more information to me but to
Robbie Cameron (see below). Plenary speakers for the Symposium include
Professors Brian MacWhinney, Michel Paradis and Catherine Snow.
--Annick De Houwer
---------- Forwarded message ----------
The 2nd International Symposium on Communication Disorders in Bilingual
Populations (Symposium 2000) will take place from 18-21 July 2000 at Kwa
Maritane, Pilansberg National Park South Africa.
For full details visit our website at
<> or contact the
Symposium Office at P O Box 27147 Parkview 2122 South Africa
Tel/Fax 27 11 788 3299
or robbie.cameron at
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