TISLR conference july 2000
Beppie van den Bogaerde
beppie at crystal.feo.hvu.nl
Tue Nov 16 10:21:30 UTC 1999
I would like to post the following information
on the 7th conference: Theoretical Issues on Sign Language Research in july
23-27 2000
2nd announcement
TISLR 2000
Seventh International Conference on Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
July 23rd- July 27th
Main Committee
Anne Baker
Beppie van de Bogaerde
Jane Coerts
Harry van der Hulst
Marijke Scheffener
Trude Schermer
Scientific Committee
Beppie van de Bogaerde
Heleen Bos
Penny Boyes Braem
Onno Crasborn
Harry van der Hulst
Trude Schermer
Ronnie Wilbur
Bencie Woll
Organising Committee
Anne Baker
Jane Coerts
Marijke Scheffener
Marjan Stuifzand
Harry Knoors
Corline Koolhof
Johan Weseman
Symposium Secretariat
Conference Office
Universiteit van Amsterdam
P.O. Box 19268
1000 GG Amsterdam
The Netherlands
tel. + 31 20 525 4791
fax + 31 20 525 4799
Email: congres at bdu.uva.nl
Internet: http://www.uva.nl/congresbureau
General Information
A Conference on Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research is organised
every two years. In 1996 it was held in Montreal, in 1998 in Gallaudet and
in 2000 it will be organised in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The organisation
of the Seventh TISLR is a joint effort of people from different institutions
and universities in The Netherlands. The Scientific Committee consists of
people from both inside and outside The Netherlands.
Conference Theme
The theme of this conference is Crosslinguistic insights: how similar are
sign languages?
Research in the past has often focused on the similarities and differences
between sign and spoken languages.
However, over the years international research has produced a wealth of
information about individual sign
languages. Especially as this will be the first time that TISLR is organised
in Europe, it seems to be an appropriate point at which to begin looking at
the similarities and differences among sign languages. We will focus on the
conference theme in the workshops. Therefore, we would like to encourage
researchers from different universities and research institutes to submit a
joint abstract for a workshop comparing data from different sign languages.
Call for papers
Authors are invited to submit abstracts on any aspect of research and theory
about sign language, including linguistic structure, language acquisition,
language contact and bilingualism, variation, discourse analysis, poetics
and metaphor, psycholinguistic and neuropsychological processing, language
assessment, research methodology and language attitudes.
Presentation modes will be:
20 minute presentations, followed by 10 minutes of discussion
poster presentations (2 hours)
60 minute workshop presentations (geared toward issues related to the
conference theme)
You are requested to use the enclosed Abstract Form for submission of your
abstract. Please read the instructions on this form carefully.
The accepted abstracts will be published as a booklet which will be handed
out at the conference. A selection of the papers will be published in the
conference proceedings. Abstracts will only be published if the registration
for the conference and the payment of the registration fee have been
completed before November 1st, 1999. Notification of acceptance or rejection
of the abstracts will be sent by December 1999.
Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, is a small city by European
standards (population 750.000) but one of the most charming and delightful
towns of Europe. It possesses the largest historical inner city of Europe,
with beautiful monumental buildings and an extensive web of canals. The city
can easily be explored on foot: museums, theatres, shopping streets,
monuments, open air markets and most other features of interest are
generally within walking distance of one another. The city is famous for its
17th century canals: a boat trip along the canals is a very special experience.
Amsterdam is one of the leading cultural centres of Europe, with a high
concentration of famous museums, for example, the Rijksmuseum, the Stedelijk
Museum, the Van Gogh-museum and the Anne Frank house. Other touristic
attractions include the Diamantslijperijen (diamond cutting establishments),
and the Rembrandt House.
The conference will be held in two historical buildings in the heart of the
city; the Auditorium of the Universiteit van Amsterdam and the Singel Church.
The Lutheran Church at the corner of Spui and Singel was inaugurated at
Christmas 1633. It was probably designed by Pieter de Keyser (1595-1676).
The acoustics of the building are renowned. The Universiteit van Amsterdam
has used the former church as its auditorium since 1961. The Lutheran Church
was completely restored in 1986-87.
The Singel Church has a history of more than 380 years. Harmen Hendriksz.
Van Warendorp, originally a textile dealer in the Aachen area, came to
Amsterdam in 1607. On June 28, 1607 he bought an empty lot where he built a
few houses for himself and at the same time had a big shed or wooden
structure placed, which was to serve as meeting-place for the Flemish
Mennonites. After Van Warendorp`s death the congregation got free use of the
church. Already in 1639 the first building was so dilapidated that it had to
be torn down, and a bigger church the size of the present building was built.
The official languages at the conference are English and Sign Language of
the Netherlands (SLN).
If you want the presentations to be translated in any other language, you
are asked to take care of your own interpreter.
Those who wish to register for the conference are kindly requested to fill
in the enclosed registration form and send it by fax or regular mail to the
Conference Office.
Registration options and fees
before May 15th, 2000 DFL 575 259,75
May 15th- July 23rd, 2000 DFL 675 304,90
before May 15th, 2000 DFL 375 169,39
May 15th- July 23rd, 2000 DFL 475 214,56
(students should send a copy of their student card)
Interpreter: DFL 200 90,34
Social event:
Banquet Wednesday July 26th DFL 150 67,76
The fee includes access to all lectures, coffee, tea and lunches during the
The conference organisation has arranged with Carlson Wagonlit Travel to
take care of reservations for hotel rooms. The hotels are in different price
categories and are located in the centre of Amsterdam near the conference
For reservation please use the enclosed hotel reservation form.
Key Dates:
Abstracts November 1st, 1999
Notification of acceptance of rejection by December 1999
Deadline early fee May 15th, 2000
Deadline hotel registration April 21st, 2000
Arrival/registration July 22nd, 2000
Conference July 23-27, 2000
Beppie van den Bogaerde
Teacher/Interpreter SLN Training
Seminarium voor Orthopedagogiek
Hogeschool van Utrecht
P.O.Box 14007
3508 Utrecht
The Netherlands
FAX *31302540349
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