Call for papers / TENNET XI
cohen.henri at
cohen.henri at
Wed Sep 29 09:31:27 UTC 1999
June 15-17, 2000
Montreal, Canada
The 11th annual conference on Theoretical & Experimental Neuropsychology,
TENNET XI, will be on June 2000, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, at the
Universite du Quebec, Montreal, Judith-Jasmin Bldg., Marie-Gerin-Lajoie
The basic conference structure is (a) two thematic symposia of 3 hours
duration, followed by (b) refereed poster papers. The poster papers are
discussed after the second symposium, each afternoon. This is the first
North American neuropsychology conference that is specifically focussed on
theoretical and experimental issues.
Participants may submit papers (up to 2000 words including references + 2
figures/tables) for consideration. Since these are refereed submissions,
accepted poster papers will be published as refereed articles in Brain and
Deadline for refereed submissions: December 19, 1999 via E-mail or regular
Information for refereed submissions
Poster presentations should deal with a well-defined topic or problem in
any domain of adult/child experimental or theoretical neuropsychology,
including history. Submissions are in two parts: (a) A 100-150 word
abstract; (b) A detailed description of the paper which will be refereed by
the Program Committee and external reviewers. If applicable, description
should include an introduction, methods, results, discussion and full
reference sections.
Authors who choose to have their descriptions refereed blindly should
prepare the manuscripts accordingly, using a code you have identified to
the chair of the program committee. Four (4) copies are are required if you
submit by regular mail; if you submit by E-mail, do so only once.
Please make sure that your complete mailing address, with your
institutional affiliation if any, and telephone number are included with
your submission, particularly if you submit by E-mail. This is needed to
properly prepare the program, if your paper is accepted.
Your submission should be sent by post or E-mail to arrive by the December
19 deadline, to the chair of the Program Committee: Please remember: 4
copies are needed EXCEPT if you send it by E-mail!
IMPORTANT: Please check your submission with a general purpose antivirus
application before sending it by e-mail.
Further information about accommodation, registration, past conferences,
etc. can be found at the following web sites:
TENNET XI Submissions should be sent to:
Henri Cohen
Centre de neuroscience de la cognition
P.B. 8888, Stn. Centre Ville
Montreal, Qc.
Canada H3C 3P8
Telephone: (514) 987-4445
FAX: (514) 987-8952
tennet at
Henri.Cohen at
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