JSLS conference --- Final Call for Papers
Hidetosi SIRAI
sirai at sccs.chukyo-u.ac.jp
Sun Feb 13 08:37:46 UTC 2000
Final Call for Papers:
The Second Conference of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences (2000)
CO-OP Inn Kyoto (Kyoto, Japan)
August 4 (Fri.)- 5 (Sat.), 2000
* Important Dates:
March 4, 2000 Deadline for Submissions
April 30, 2000 Notification of acceptance
June 30, 2000 Camera-ready copies of papers
August 4-5, 2000 Conference
* Research Area:
We would like to encourage submissions on research pertaining to
language sciences, including topics such as language acquisition,
psycholinguistics, psychology of language, discourse analysis,
conversational analysis and sociolinguistics. Our main purpose is to
highlight research which focuses on Japanese language and the language
acquisition of Japanese speakers (L1, L2), however, we also encourage
submissions on other language-related topics, from diverse theoretical
perspectives and on different languages. Furthermore, we would also like
to invite submissions pertaining to the development of computer research
tools for language research.
* Qualifications for Presenters
All presenters must be members of JSLS by the first day of the
conference (August 4, 2000). (This applies only to the person giving
the presentation. This does not apply to co-authors.) The membership
year of JSLS starts on July 1, and the membership fee is 3,000 yen, or
$25.00 for overseas members. Please refer to the following website for
membership information:
All presenters must pre-register for the JSLS 2000 conference by July
15, 2000. Papers which have been presented at other conferences or
which have been published previously may not be submitted. You may only
submit one abstract as first author.
The length of each paper presentation will be thirty minutes (20 minutes
for paper presentation, 10 minutes for questions). Paper presentations
may be given in Japanese or English.
Individuals giving paper presentations who will be attending from
overseas may apply for a registration fee waiver (US$25.00). Please
indicate if you would like to be considered for this waiver on your
submissions form.
* Submission Guidelines
All submissions should be mailed and postmarked by March 4, 2000
(Saturday). Please send Forms #1, #2 and #3 to the conference
chairperson, Hidetosi Sirai.
Necessary forms
(1) Form #1
Presentation title, name of author(s), affiliation, mailing address,
etc. on A4 or letter-size paper
(2) 3 copies of abstract (on A4 or letter-size paper, in 12 pt,
double-spaced, maximum 4 pages, including title, table, figures &
Do not include information which may reveal your identity. Abstracts
will be accepted in Japanese or English. If the language in which
you would like to give your presentation differs from the language of
your written abstract, please let us know.
(3) 2 self-addressed mailing labels (with your name, address)
[This is unnecessary for those submitting abstracts by email.]
Please mail your submissions to the following address (please write
"JSLS paper" in red ink on the envelope):
Prof. Hidetosi Sirai
Department of Cognitive Science
Chukyo University
101 Tokodate, Kaizu-cho
Toyota, Aichi, 470-0393 JAPAN
We will also accept submissions made by email. Please address email
submissions to the following address, in the following manner:
jsls2000-submit at diana.sccs.chukyo-u.ac.jp
Please send your abstract as a text file in MS-WORD, Ichitaro, (La)TeX, PDF
or PostScript format. We can only accept compressed files in Lha, Zip,
or Gzip format.
Each abstract will be reviewed anonymously by several reviewers.
Individuals submitting abstracts will be notified of
acceptance/non-acceptance by April 30. Individuals whose abstracts are
accepted will be requested to send in a copy of their papers on floppy
disc (A4 or letter-size paper, 6 pages maximum) by June 30, 2000, to
appear in the conference program.
Furthermore, we plan to publish selected papers in the conference
proceedings, following the conference.
Please visit
for more information.
Hidetosi Sirai
Conference Chair of JSLS
Chukyo University
Email: sirai at sccs.chukyo-u.ac.jp
Phone: +81-565-45-0971 ext. 6659
Fax: +81-565-46-1299
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