Favorite Book?
Teresa Ukrainetz
tukraine at uwyo.edu
Fri Feb 18 16:58:14 UTC 2000
Following my mentor, Anne van Kleeck, I use Wallie's Stories, along with the following questions to guide the review. I've had students say this was their favourite reading of the entire course, esp. those who are parents.
Optional Project
You may write a 3-4 page review and reflection on your reading of Wally¹s Stories.
The following are questions to guide reading and reflection.
How does a book such as this further our understanding of child development? Can this book be considered research?
Why will ignoring child beliefs result in underestimates of child abilities? What are some examples of logical thinking that end up with "wrong" answers?
If children are logical and rationale, why will they not be convinced by logical evidence presented with tools such as rulers? How do they deal with such arguments?
What more can we learn about children by having conversations with groups of children rather than having only adult-child conversations? How does Paley move herself from the adult-as-authority role?
>Carolyn, A book that I have found useful is The Boy Who Whould be a
>Helicopter: the Uses of Storytelling in the Classroom by Vivian Gussin
Teresa A. Ukrainetz, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology
University of Wyoming
P.O. Box 3311
Laramie, WY 82071-3311
(307) 766-5576
(307) 766-6829 (fax)
tukraine at uwyo.edu
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