FW: please send to Council of Graduate Departments in Psycho (fwd)
Judith Becker Bryant
jbryant at luna.cas.usf.edu
Fri Feb 25 15:11:00 UTC 2000
Let's get some good language acquisition books on
the list described below.
Judith Becker Bryant, Ph.D.
Co-Director, Interdisciplinary Center
for Communication Sciences
Department of Psychology, BEH 339
University of South Florida
Tampa, FL 33620-8200
(813) 974-0475 fax (813) 974-4617 -----Original
Message----- From: Deborah L. Best <best at wfu.edu <mailto:best at wfu.edu> >
<mailto:COGDOP at LSV.UKY.EDU> > Date: Thursday, February 24, 2000 2:30 PM
Subject: please send to Council of Graduate Departments in Psycho
Dear Scientific Psychologists: My name is Jennifer Thomas, and I am a
member of the American Psychological Society Student Caucus (APSSC). I am
currently the chair of a project called the Bookstore Project.
The purpose of the project is to disseminate psychological science to the
lay public via popular bookstores. Many of us who participate in
experimental psychology are not satisfied with the fact that psychological
science is not represented in the psychology section of most major
bookstores. Instead, most psychology sections contain self-help and
clinical psychology. We want to spread the word that psychology is more
than an applied discipline by encouraging bookstores to create a separate
section specifically for psychological science. The first step of the
project is to compile a list of possible books that represent
psychological science to suggest to the bookstores. We will then be
collecting data about which books lay people find most interesting.
Finally, we'll present the information to bookstores and encourage them to
create a separate section for scientific psychology. We are currently
working on the first step of compiling a list of possible books. I have
received many helpful recommendations so far from various psychologists,
but I need more. I encourage everyone to recommend their favorite book or
books to be included on the list. Please email me with your
recommendation at jcthomas2 at delta.is.tcu.edu.=20
<mailto:jcthomas2 at delta.is.tcu.edu.=20> Thanks in advance for all of your
help and support!
Jennifer Thomas
Chair, Bookstore Project
_______________________________________________________ Deborah L. Best
Professor and Chair Phone: 336-758-5748 or 5424 Department of Psychology
Fax: 336-758-4733 Box 7778 Reynolda Station E-Mail: best at wfu.edu
<mailto:best at wfu.edu> Wake Forest University Winston-Salem, NC 27109
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